The Collector 3.0 – A Psychological Framework for Successful Digital Asset Launches
Token Offering Launches (TOLs) of NFT-Cs (Non Fungible Token Collections) and Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), have lately arisen as a novel and innovative financing vehicle for a versatile set of entrepreneurial initiatives, sparking economic and intellectual interest on a global scope.
Even ICOs have evolved into a brand-new fundraising vehicle since 2014, with certain similarities with the initial public offerings (IPOs), venture capital (VC), and pre-sale crowdfunding new development shows an impressive increase of TOLs in general and most prominently in the NFT-C ecosystems.
the new categories of NFTs and Soul Bound Tokens (SBTs) to better differentiate from the purpose of collecting physical goods. Businesses’ self-efficacy and media visibility are essential signals in TOLs launches and can boost the overall campaigning success. Project promoters who interact more actively through various stakeholder signaling platforms are eager 3 to obtain more defined output success and market intelligence than those who are not. However, the tendency that campaign initiators who look self-efficacious in terms of the effectiveness of their enterprise are likely to evolve into better overall outputs.